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Rugged Maniac


Rugged Maniac was good enough to forward a Men's Health article outlining a training approach. The article prompted this post; in my experience, people are unwilling to adapt a training regimen to fit a pre-existing (and busy!) schedule.

Preparing for an event with just a month isn't ideal, but you have to work within the time you have. To that end, I'm going to do two workouts a day. I'm also making some compromises to fit within my existing schedule / activities:

Warmup (before each morning routine)

Repeat for 3 minutes

Morning Routine A (Crossfit)

Do each workout for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds, repeat 6 times.

Morning Routine B (Yoga)

Hold positions for the time listed below. Do 5 reps of each position. Breathe in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds. Continue breathing during transitions.

Afternoon Routine (Cardio)

Running is familiar to me, but I want to cross-train for a future triathlon.


This is the resulting schedule:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
AM Routine A Routine B Routine A Routine B Routine A Routine B Rest
PM Swimming Running Biking Running Swimming Biking Rest


Routine A is still a challenge for me, I'm starting out with 5-pound dumbbells and doing 2, 3, 4 and 5 sets the first four days. I strongly recommend making similar adjustments as you ramp up. Because the first few days leave extra time, I'm filling it with house work to maintain the schedule and keep moving.