Travis Luckenbaugh
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Dungeon Crawl
Fri Aug 30, 2024 | 906 Words #games


This was the result of playing around with AI Dungeon. I did not intend for my avatar to have sex with a mushroom. I was testing the boundaries of what it would allow and the story happened. I wrote it up separately because in addition to the normal stumbles of a chatbot in 2024, it started deleting earlier parts of the story as the context window overflowed.


  • Thomas, ambitious knight
  • Lumi, curious wanderer
  • Gerald, king of Larion
  • Marcus, prince of Larion
  • Leona, princess of Larion


Thomas is dispatched to slay a dragon in the hills north of the kingdom on the other side of an old forest.

He makes his way through the forest, alert for signs of danger. The forest is filled with bio-luminescent mushrooms. In a clearing halfway through the woods, he encounters an ancient tree. Granted permission to draw magic from the tree for his quest, Thomas reveals his ambition and drains the tree of magic entirely. An attempt to further enhance his powers is thwarted by a wary, resistant forest. He makes camp for the night in a small plains between the forest and the hills.

Continuing the next day, travel is difficult facing the steep hills and snowy terrain. A mushroom from the forest suddenly appears in the snow and attempts to communicate. It is centuries old and curious about the knight's quest. Thomas offers the mushroom a trade access to its powers now in exchange for a chance to feed on the corpse of a dragon. The mushroom accepts.

With the newly combined powers, the hills prove easier to navigate and the duo sneak into the lair unnoticed by the dragon. Thomas prepares a trio of spells. He draws on forest magic to summon roots strong enough to hold the dragon. He prepares a burst of bio-luminescent light to blind the dragon. Finally, he cast the sharpness enchantment on his sword the king's wizard taught before being dispatched on this mission.

The prepared spells work. Thomas charges and beheads the defenseless foe. Working quickly, he drains magic as life leaves the body. He leaves the corpse to the mushroom fulfilling his contract. As Thomas contemplates the possibilities of his new powers, the mushroom takes humanoid form.

The new creature speaks of a desire to understand the human experience and after a period of discussion agrees to the name Lumi. While they are quite beautiful, no attempt is made to look human. Lumi's fungal glow is retained. It waxes and wanes with their new found emotions. Their physical size also appears somewhat fluid.

Lumi's interest in humanity appears to include sexual curiosity; the new humanoid form appears to have both male and female genitals. Curiosity gives way to lust. Thomas allows Lumi to explore a variety of positions testing the limits of his supernaturally augmented stamina. Immortality is transferred to Thomas during the bonding. It is unclear if this is Lumi honoring the previous agreement or an intended side effect.

Once again, Thomas tests the limits of what is allowed. At first, a sense of alarm at the notion slavery permenates not only Lumi but the world itself. He explains the idea of bondage and that temporary enslavement will allow Lumi to experience things that would not be possible otherwise. They accept, unaware of Thomas's plans.

The duo return to the forest. Under Thomas's control, Lumi begins draining her original home of magic wholesale transferring it all to Thomas. The forest is caught unaware by the betrayal and fails to raise any meaningful defense. Thomas celebrates his conquest by introducing Lumi to the rougher flavors of sex. He conjures rope around their body and tampers with their emotions directly. Aroused and confused, Lumi agrees to make their enslavement permanent.

Thomas and Lumi return to the kingdom of Larion. The knight receives a hero's welcome for slaying the dragon, but Lumi's presence is questioned by the king. Thomas requests a private audience to explain. Having isolated the king from his guards, Thomas seduces the king with the promise of shared immortality. After the king consents, Thomas interrupts the sexual ritual and overthrows the king's mind leaving him mortal. He attempts to repeat the process with the king's son Marcus but is rebuffed [Author's Note: This is where the line is?]. Thomas finds the daughter Leona more pliable. After seizing her mind, a pleasurable threesome with Lumi and the idea of progeny convinces him to share his gifts with his intended queen.

The king and son are sent with soldiers and woodsman to clear the once magical forest. An accident between them is intended but fails. Both return to attend the wedding of Thomas and Leona, where a drunken and suspicious Marcus confronts his father. A struggle ends with Marcus's sword in his father's chest. It was not the accident Thomas had pictured, but he was quick to capitalize. Marcus is slain by Thomas's hand and the highborne audience of the drama accept their new king.

Years pass, Thomas's rule extends the kingdom. The village of Bant thrives where the forest once stood. Lumi explores the depths of sex, drugs and causal murder. Leona appears surprisingly happy at the idea of being a breeder and figurehead for eternity. Thomas suspects his hold over her is either flawed or broke something in her psyche. The chatbot loses its sense of continuity here, so the rest is a story for another time.